David Lee fonds

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The fonds consists of both photographic negatives, slides, and prints related to David Lee’s freelance work predominantly for Theatre Plus, during the company’s final years under Artistic Director, Duncan

McIntosh and its move from the St Lawrence Centre to the Premiere Dance Theatre at Harbourfront Centre, Toronto. During this time, the company name was changed to Theatre Plus Toronto. The fonds also contains Lee’s freelance photography of productions at other Canadian theatres including Canadian Stage, George Brown College, Limelight Dinner Theatre, and the Elgin & Winter Garden Theatre. It also consists of photographic materials related to industry events, as well as headshots and portraits of a number of individual actors, directors, and playwrights, and some textual materials related to various

productions, such as programs and reviews.


1984-2003, bulk 1990-1992

Types of Materials

  • Photographs


71.5 cm

How to Access This Resource

XZ1 MS B092.

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