It’s the start of a new semester and we want to make sure you have the resources you need to set yourself up for success. We also want you to know that we’re here to support you every step of the way. That’s why we’ve worked diligently to make most of our services and resources available online.
Online Appointments and Consultations
Our online appointments and consultations connect you with a staff member or peer consultant who will assist you with a variety of topics. When you book an online appointment, you’ll receive individual, personalized support for your needs. All our appointments are free and confidential.
At an online appointment, we will:
- Provide feedback on your writing in all stages of the writing process.
- Support you in developing strategies for organizing your ideas and structuring your thesis, papers, and chapters.
- Assist you in controlling procrastination and perfectionism to complete your assignments on time.
- Support you in working with data, such as finding the datasets you need for your assignments, research projects, thesis, or dissertation.
Learn more about appointments types and book with us.
Online Workshops
All our workshops this semester will be online and will support you in developing your academic and professional skills. Some upcoming workshops you may be interested in are:
Specifically designed for first-year undergraduate students:
Other workshops happening soon:
Explore all upcoming workshops.
Learning Focused Programs
Supported Learning Groups (SLGS)
Peer-led study groups held on a weekly basis.
Attending SLGs will give you the opportunity to:
- Gain an in-depth understanding of course content
- Meet other students in your class
- Test your knowledge before tests and exams
Learn more about SLGs and how to sign up for them.
Academic Action Program
A semester-long program designed to enhance your academic potential.
Apply for the program to:
- Meet with an academic coach 3-6 times per semester
- Build a program designed to fit your academic needs
- Balance academics and the rest of your life
Learn more about the Academic Action Program. Think the Academic Action Program may be for you? Applications are due Monday, February 1, 2021.
Online Library Guides
Library guides are custom online guides that bring together relevant resources for a specific topic. Some library guides that may be useful as you start your semester are:
- Online Learning Guide: Information about learning and studying online, and resources related to motivation, presentations, writing tests and exams, and more!
- Time Management Guide: Helpful tips and resources so you can effectively manage your time.
- Study Effectively Guide: Information about how to build effective study habits, edit your notes, and more.
Explore all library guides.
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