Each month, a new display is featured from our Gryph Reads Collection, located on the first floor of the library. January’s display is called “Travel the World,” and features works that are set in other countries and tell the stories of characters who have traveled to new destinations like Mount Everest. Works featured include real life memoirs, fun fiction picks, and even stories set in other worlds.
We encourage you to make time for leisurely activities, browse the display, and check out an item that interests you. You may, or may not, be travelling this month, but you can explore the world and experience new adventures through stories, and maybe get some inspiration for your future travel plans along the way.
Some titles featured in this month’s display are:
Home of the floating lily, by Silmy Abdullah
Proof of heaven: a neurosurgeon’s journey into the afterlife, by Eben Alexander
Tokyo ever after, by Emiko Jean
You are here: around the world in 92 minutes, by Chris Hadfield
Mexican Gothic, by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Visit the library to browse this month’s display in person or browse the full Gryph Reads Collection online.
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